Travel period : 27-29.04.2013
continue from DAY 1
waking up and realized it was another beautiful day in Amsterdam. good morning Amsterdam!
free WiFi available
for de sake of convenience we bought another day tour ticket offered by Tours & Tickets: Keukenhof & Flowerfields 5 hours at €40 although some say that it may be cheaper if travel on your own (entrance fee to Keukenhof costs €15 per person).
(be sure that it is a sunny day before travelling)
Keukenhof is open annually from late-March to mid-May. everyone says that de best time for tulips is around mid-April, depending on de weather. we were here during end of April, but due to late or cold spring (I believe it's due to global warming), de tulip blooms were spectacular but not all, because some were still in buds. de timing is tricky, but I would say that de beginning of May or towards de end of season is likely a better time to visit. one thing you should do before visiting Keukenhof is to buy your entrance ticket in advance. also, be an early bird to avoid de late crowds.
view from de bus before entering Keukenhof.
doing something touristy.
in a not-so-summer scene.
petting zoo in Keukenhof.
beware, animals can bite.
someone please feed de flower =P
his favourite at Keukenhof.
Keukenhof doesn't come with long fields of tulips which many visitors (including myself) are looking for. de garden displayed a variety of flowerbeds but all in small arena. however, tulip fields can still be viewed from far at de garden. walking through de tulip fields is virtually not possible as it is of private land property. they are definitely not part of de Keukenhof ticket for sure (flowerfields is a misleading word!).
ii) Amsterdam city
#1 Museumplein- I AMSTERDAM
tourists performing stunt at de modern sculpture near Rijksmuseum. another must-do in Amsterdam- climb de letters.. haha!
no she's not me if that is what you're thinking =P
a round of applause for de boy who made it to de top.
note that a man was trying hard to anti-gravity (bottom left).
#2 Sightseeing around city centre (by foot)
cold sunny day.
not particularly warm. perhaps a lil' too.. cold.
Flower Market.
you can buy tulip and other variety of flower seeds or bulbs from here (too bad I can't grow tulip in Malaysia). there are shops along de street where you can buy cheese (free samples available) and do your souvenirs hunt too. you may find shops selling similar things but at different price. so, it is advisable to look around first before making your purchase.
Munttoren (Mint Tower) at Muntplein Square.
#3 Red Light District- de notorious Amsterdam
prostitutes with various shapes and sizes in their sexy attires offer sexual services from behind a window or glass door, typically illuminated with red lights or decorated with red curtains. it is like choosing your favourite sashimi. some of them can be really pretty though.
strolling on a daytime- when it was still early.
de air had a heavy smell of coffee shops during de dark. not to be surprised, de area was packed with tourists of all ages as it got more lively at night. it wasn't dangerous but I would strongly advise you to come in a group if possible (not alone). it is forbidden to take pictures of de women. so be careful of what you're doing!
good night Amsterdam!
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