if you're craving for tapas or paella but Spain is just too far from Malaysia, Estilo may be a great choice to stop de crave for few months or longer. this is a no pork place (but serves alcohol) that all fans of tapas or paella would be able to frequent.

#1 Champiñones RM16 ---recommended
a simple yet tasty tapas with mixed sautéed mushrooms in garlic, wine, and cream. this was my top favourite to start with complimentary bread. yummy!

#2 Gambas al Ajilo RM22 ---recommended
it consisted of prawns in olive oil, chilli, and garlic chips. with its strong flavour, de tasty prawns were literally bouncing lively in my mouth. it made a good companion with de complimentary bread too.

(clockwise from top)
#3 Capellini Estilo RM28
Angel's hair with mixed mushrooms, truffle paste and cream. despite having de right portion, it was pretty delicious too.
#4 Ensalada Español RM12
#5 Chargrilled chicken wings RM18
they were tender but a wee bit over charred.
(clockwise from top left)
#6 Escargots RM24
escargots with leek and cream sauce, and breaded tomatoes. it was fresh (mimics oyster texture) but it wasn't my cup of tea.
#7 Queso de Cabra Crujiente RM22- oven baked goat's cheese
if you do not think goat cheese is stinks and can withstand de strong smell, it will probably be a good dish.
#8 Albondigas RM16
these beef meatballs have too much cartilage.
#9 Corderos Lamb Costillas RM58- baby lamb ribs
just like an ordinary lamb ribs, it was nothing great to shout about. I like de watercress salad with vinegar (a plus point?).

#10 Paella Mariscos (L) RM118 (minimum serving time- 25 mins)
made with imported Spanish rice, Estilo's paella is claimed to be:
- "traditionally, it should have a slight crust at de bottom, be semi wet, not fluffy like 'nasi', slightly al dente, and fairly strong flavoured as de rice soaks up de rich stock."
de seafood was somehow not so "blending-in" with de paella as all were arranged nicely but overall it was still acceptable and yummy (at least clams didn't stink!). it came with some homemade sauce but personally I prefer to go with de olive oil from Gambas al Ajito. you can try that too.. aha!
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