Renewal of Malaysian Passport

here are some tips for passport renewal and also as a reminder to myself. for passport renewal, it can be done at :

Kajang Immigration Office
Lot 3-60, Tingkat 3,
Kompleks Perhentian Kajang,
Jalan Reko,
43000 Kajang, Selangor.

Documents to prepare:
#1   Current passport
#2   Identity Card (MyKad)
#3   Cash of RM300 (for 5 years) and RM100 (for 2 years)
submission of photographs not required.

Early birds benefit. during weekends, de office will be opened from 8am to 1pm. do not be surprised as de queue can start as earlier as 630am. we arrived at approximately 640am and we were de 9th in de queue. it is strongly advisable to come early in order to get things done as fast as possible. furthermore, arriving late also has de risk of dealing with those eyesore who cut de line and pretend as if nothing happened

Ticket counter. get your passport and MyKad ready as there will be an officer to organise these documents together before a number is issued. you'll be asked for information on your height and de intended renewal duration when a number is issued.

Wait for your number. proceed to de destined counter when number is called. de officer will reconfirm certain information on your MyKad, such as home address and contact number if it is not updated (you are also able to glance through these information during de process). it is then followed by photographs taking, scanning of right and left thumbs, stamping of right thumb and putting your signature on de form. for a qualified photograph, it must be a full front view of applicant's face and not obscure. for a person with glasses, de frame shall not cover de eyes. collar shirt is not mandatory. a simple tee will be just fine.

Payment. officer will reconfirm de duration of renewal. a receipt will be issued upon payment which can only be done by cash.

Collection. tentatively, passport will be ready in 1 hour after payment. remember to check all your details upon receiving de new passport. I managed to collect my passport in less than an hour (in fact it was just within 15-20mins). everything was done by 9am for an early bird who arrived at 630am. 

